The Communist Manifesto 978-0717802418 Marx & Engel Many
Great What is there to say? Class struggle is real, we are at war as we slide into neo-feudalism. Break the chains of the bourgeoisie!
Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism 978-0717800988 Lenin Many
Great This book showed me the power of monopoly. It also showed me how we've become trapped in a prison of our own making; enclosure is now the rule rather than the exception.
The Origin of Capitalism 9781859843925 Wood 2x
Great A really brilliant book. Capitalism is not the natural state of humanity.
The Iliad N/A Homer 1x
Great I enjoyed the continous hyperspecific descriptions of certain warriors on the battlefield getting their turn to be killed or do the killings.
Ignition!: An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants 9780813507255 Clark 1x
Great 'Lit' my imagination up in regards to liquid propellants; read this in Hong Kong.
Parable of the Sower 9780446675505 Butler 1x
Great One of the best fiction books ever written. Pinpoints and then extracts society's future issues and puts it in this book. I'm surprised she didn't have a time machine when she wrote this.
Left Wing Communism an Infantile Disorder N/A Lenin 1x
Great Interesting to see a breakdown of the most foolish of the communist's most insipid group.
The State and Revolution N/A Lenin 1x
Great Have to reread.
Fahrenheit 451 9780007491568 Bradbury 2x
Great Dystopian classic.
Brave New World 9780060929879 Huxley 1x
Great The debauchery and unrestrained nature of this book made me feel oddly sick. Incredible dystopia.
1984 978-045152493 Orwell 1x
Great Classic dystopia. Always under observation, seemingly more relevant than ever.
A Briefer History of Time 9780553804362 Hawking 1x
Great Read a long time ago, needs to be reread.
At the Mountains of Madness 9780812974416 Lovecraft Many
Great This book is the reason for my obsession with the Transantarctic mountains; Lovecraft's nightmare at its finest.
Red Mars 9780553560732 Robinson 1x
Great I looked up hard science fiction books a long time ago, and I found this. I felt like I took the expedition to Mars with the team; what a fun and engrossing series.
Green Mars 9780553572391 Robinson 1x
Great Somehow just as good as the above. The struggle between wanting the familiar while everything changes around you is a tale as old as time.
Dune 9780340839935 Herbert 1x
Great Science fiction classic, I do enjoy the Islamic influences in the book too.
Economic Writings I 9781781687659 Luxemburg 1x
Great An intellectual giant who's life was cut far far too short. If we could have 100 Rosa Luxemburgs teaching the masses every day for ten years our current situation would be much better off.
On China 9781594202711 Kissinger 2x
Great What an astute analysis of China. This book gave me one of the broadest, best views on what exactly China is. For Kissinger...a unique evil can only be made under the right conditions. His analysis of China is second-to-none.
Meditations 9780140449334 Aurelius 2x
Great Like any usual teen I devoured this book and tried (TRIED) basing parts of my personality on its lessons.
The Forever War 9780060510862 Haldeman Many
Great My favourite scifi book. Something about traveling and arriving back at a familiar place turned strange resonates with me immensely...
Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic 9781400078974 Holland 1x
Great A really thrilling book, Cassius and Cicero seemed so intriguing, I should really read more about them two specifically.
The Search for Modern China 9780393307801 Spence 1x
Great One of the best overviews on modern Chinese history ever, Ming to the recent past. I found this book looking at what UC Berkeley was teaching their students. Sun Yat-sen was a genius of diplomacy, how different the world would be if his life wasn't cut short.
Rendezvous with Rama 9781857231588 Clarke 2x
Great Classic science fiction; truly alien.
All the Shah's Men 9780471678786 Kinzer 1x
Great What the British and the Americans did to Iran is horrific. Mosaddegh was incredible, his tenure cut far FAR too short.
Manufacturing Consent 9780375714498 Herman & Chomsky 1x
Great The media and their constant covering for bourgeoisie is pretty horrific and this book gives clear evidence.
Berserk 9781593070205 Miura N/A
Great A very dangerous and dark world made alive with vivid imagery and interesting characters; the Golden Age Arc is one of the best examples of creative storytelling in the medium.
The End of Alchemy 9780393247022 King 1x
Great A great overview of the history of money and banking.
A Brief History of Neoliberalism 9780199283279 Harvey 1x
Great Neoliberalism is a cancer on society and this book shows how this malodorous force has been thrust on us today.
Napoleon in Egypt 9780553806786 Strathern 1x
Great A thrilling book on Napoleon's invasion, the Battle of the Nile was extremely vivid; I could feel the mood of the world at that time it felt like.
Human Acts 9781101906729 Kang 1x
Great What a unique book, hard to describe but I felt like I was in Gwangju and was killed myself.
Grant 9781594204876 Chernow 1x
Great A massive tome on a very interesting president in US history. I would've liked to have known him personally, I also liked how Grant treated his wife, he seemed like a real gentleman.
2001 A Space Odyssey 9780451457998 Clarke 1x
Great Journies through space always interest me, it's just a deadlier sea.
The Comintern 9781931859523 Hallas 1x
Good Detailed account on the third international. Pretty specific slice of history but good to understand the politics and organisation of revolution.
Toxic: A History of Nerve Agents 9781787383067 Kaszeta 1x
Good Nerve agents got a big boost in interest from me when Kim Jong Eun's brother was assassinated. Saw this book on Twitter and gave it a go.
Neuroplasticity 9780262529334 Costandi 1x
Good The brain is an extremely complex organ. This book only reinforced my belief that anyone can change into who they want to become.
Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs 9780896086111 Chomsky 1x
Good What is a rogue state? Obviously any country that goes against the United States! Duh! (This is sarcasm)
The Lessons of October N/A Trotsky 1x
Good Maybe mentally absorbed the information but don't remember any explicit details, maybe I should reread this.
Animal Farm 9780452284241 Orwell 1x
Good A classic Orwell novel.
Afgansty 9781846680540 Braithwaite 1x
Good Knew next to nothing about the Soviet-Afghan war, this book enlightened me. Enjoyed the raid on the president/warlord's compound(?).
The Art of War N/A Sun Tzu 1x
Good A Chinese classic, many good aphorisms.
Alas Babylon 9780060741877 Pat Frank 1x
Good I don't think I've read many books that felt the way this particular novel felt. Even in a book on nuclear holocaust a 1950s-type optimism felt present.
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War 9780307346605 Brooks 2x
Good A really fun novel!
A People's Tragedy 9780140243642 Figes 1x
Good Detailed account of the Russian Revolution. I found this book at a specific time in my life and I enjoyed its overview on a complex topic. Its pagecount was intimidating but I got through it and it opened up even more books to me.
How to Use Type 9781856698979 Marshall & Meachem 1x
Good Made me fall in love with Typography.
The Death and Life of Great American Cities 9780375508738 Jacobs 1x
Good There is a great importance to this book, but maybe I wasn't fully equipped to understand it at the time of reading. Need to reread.
In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the World 9780465029730 Stewart 1x
Good Fun math history read.
Mass Effect Revelation 9780345498168 Karpyshyn 1x
Good There's a beach in Hawaii you can find me reading this on in 2007.
The Last Question 9781884214493 Asimov 1x
Good Really interesting short story; everything changes while some things stay the same.
The End of Eternity 9780765319180 Asimov 1x
Good Classic scifi book. But, Issac Asimov has clearly never interacted with a woman before. Lol.
Tombstone: The Great Chinese Famine 9780374277932 Jisheng 1x
Good A harsh time for the Chinese peasantry during these long years. I hope the ones that survived it got to live happier lives.
Annihilation 9780374104092 Vandermeer 1x
Good Dream in book form. Very unusual book in a positive way. Read before movie was released; I enjoyed the book and movie as two seperate entities.
White Rage 9781632864123 Anderson 1x
Good Great book to read if you want to learn about race relations in the United States.
Blood for the Blood God 9781844166084 Werner 1x
Good I really enjoy how this type of WH40k book ends with everyone dead and the main character standing alone consumed by some sort of personality disorder or whatever. I love it.
Palace of the Plague Lord 9781844164813 Werner 1x
Good See above.
The Andromeda Strain 9780060541811 Crichton 1x
Good Read this one post-COVID. Wish it was a bit longer, I really enjoy biological weapons and alien organisms.
One L 9780446673785 Turow 1x
Good What a fun insight into the hard, harsh world of lawyer-dom.
The Martian 9780804139021 Weir 2x
Good A fun novel, made me want to develop a green thumb. Read the book on release, the movie was inferior to the book.
Democracy in Chains 9781101980965 MacLean 1x
Good The usual book on Buchanan head Libertarian twat and the rest of his ilk. Disgusting people.
The Gulag Archipelago 9780060007768 Solzhenitsyn 1x
Good The gulags and the rapes and the murders in them are so dreadful. What awful places to be.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep 9780345404473 Dick 1x
Good Didn't really resonate with me. I enjoyed Blade Runner much more for whatever reason.
To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia 9781859843666 Parenti 1x
Good The Yugoslavian war was brutal. It feels like the conflict was never truly resolved.
The Rhodesian War: A Military History 9780811707251 Moorcraft & McLaughlin 1x
Good Very interesting look into a time and place I know little about aside from Danny Archer.
One Soldier's War N/A Babchenko 1x
Good The Chechen war, predicated on so many lies and confusing circumstances, is the base for this honest book. I can't think of many things worse than being a Russian soldier.
Crusade 9780395710838 Atkinson 1x
Good A very detailed overview of the Persian Gulf War. I felt transported back to 1991. Ignited a renewed interest in that period of time for me. Schwarzkopf looks a bit like Norm McDonald as well oddly enough.
The Founding 9781844163694 Abnett 1x
Good Something about gathering a team of unique individuals being competent and endulging in brutal combat really strikes my fancy.
Eisenhorn 9781844161560 Abnett 1x
Good A suspringly good fiction book set in one of my favourite fictional (thank god) universes: Warhammer 40k.
Ghostmaker 9780671784102 Abnett 1x
Good Is this in the omnibus? Not even sure.
Horus Rising 9781844162949 Abnett 1x
Good The story of the Horus Heresy is a science fiction classic at this point, no matter what medium the story is told in.
Ghost in the Wires 9780316037709 Mitnick 1x
Good Lit my teenage mind up with his tales of law-breaking.
Spillover 9780393346619 Quammen 1x
Ok An ok book but devolves significantly in the last quarter(?). Turns into some hypothetical tale of a jungle kid and all this wordcount padding shit. Read this long before SARS-2.
Command and Control 9781594202278 Schlosser 1x
Ok Fun book on broken arrows and all that, I found it interesting. Still upset that I was promised a movie and we all know that ain't happening at this point...
How to Think Straight About Psychology 9780205485130 Stanovich 1x
Ok Book on psych. Not much to say.
Genome 9780060894085 Ridley 1x
Ok A journey through all the chromosomes. Only marred really by this dipshit's obvious Thatcherism; a true Brexiteer he turned out to be too, what a surprise.
Chinese Industrial Espionage 9780415821414 Hannas & Mulvenon & Puglisi 1x
Ok Written in an almost paranoid way; odd book written to convince people who like to organise tic-tacs in their spare time.
Design for Hackers 9781119998952 Kadavy 1x
Ok A decent intro on design for people who think design is secondary to consuming tech-baubles, but a decent intro nontheless.
The Righteous Mind 9780307377906 Haidt 1x
Ok Seems better than it is. Belongs to a specific period of US political turmoil where USAians were trying to figure out why they were so mentally damaged while they were being mentally damaged.
Neuroethics 9780262514606 Farah 1x
Ok A medical ethics book.
On Tyranny 9780804190114 Snyder 1x
Ok Didn't learn anything I already didn't glean from better books. I was a little disappointed and bored.
Weapons of Math Destruction 9780553418811 O'neil 1x
Ok Glad the book exists but didn't learn much from it. Don't remember if they mention capitalism in the book but let's just say they didn't so therefore it's refusing to go to the root of the issue.
World Order 9781594206146 Kissinger 1x
Ok Found it inferior to On China. An afterthought book.
The Giver 9780385732550 Lowry 1x
Ok Middle-school classic.
Five Days at Memorial 9780307718983 Sheri Fink 1x
Bad A really boring book about something that should be quite interesting. Some imagery in this book of the flooded hospital and whatnot was interesting; had to skip large parts of the book or I was at risk of becoming comatose.
Necropolis 9781844163045 Abnett 1/2x
Bad I don't even remember this book practically. Really quite a slog to go through for something so easy to make exciting. It's WH40k! How can you make that boring?
Ashfall 9781933718552 Mullin 1x
Bad What an absolute disaster of a book. I've never seen an author put himself so obviously as the 'smart', 'handsome', 'good-at-sports', 'good-at-writing', 'good-at-survival' protagonist. I could practically see him jacking-off while writing some of these scenes with some 16 or whatever year old girl his character-who-definitely-isn't-him meets...what is this book? And why didn't I put it down when I realised he was reliving a childhood fantasy he had once about Yellowstone erupting? By the time they got to the FEMA camp I was begging for his character to lose.
Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? 9781846943171 Fisher 1x
Bad Completely understand the utility of this book and its importance, but I very much did not like the way it was written to the point where I thought it severely distracted from its message. Sorry Mark Fisher.
Capitalism and Freedom 9780226264219 Friedman 1x
Very Bad There was a moment in this book where I could see the beauty of what capitalism was despite my opinions, but it was wrapped in horrendously inhuman concepts that I wish were never visited upon this Earth. What a small and twisted man Milton Friedman was. Writing this book you can tell he thinks he's helping right the ship of society, he's so sure he's correct and anything to the contrary is an obvious folly. Milton Friedman's legacy will be death and destruction, good riddance.
The 2020 Commission Report on the NK Nuclear Attacks Against the US 9781328573919 Lewis 1x
Very Bad Trees had to die to produce this book. Someone spent the time, the energy, the effort to actually make the machinery that could produce this book. I think I disliked Command and Control more after seeing Schlosser give this useless turd praise. This thing was made for the sake of this guy's Twitter followers and it shows, my god it shows. This book is kindling, just look at the upper-right hand corner of the cover — it's already trying to self-immolate. It's a subliminal message from the cover designer to do what's best for the world and save everyone who was tricked into thinking they wanted to read this book's time and destroy this book.
Hitler's American Model 9780691172422 Whitman 1x
Very Bad Who was the editor/publisher who tricked this poor man into writing this book? This Atlantic article was somehow spun into a novel, a wasteful and ill-conceived one that helps no one understand almost anything they wouldn't have already known by virtue of being interested in this book. The suckers who were somehow simultaneously forced to publish this and also tricking him into writing it were so obligated against their will by contract to release it that it feels like the book was released by dropping off the shipment by parachute in the night. I became an angrier person after reading this book.
The Obstacle is the Way 9781591846352 Holiday 1x
Ego is the Enemy 9781591847816 Holiday 1x
Meditations-lite-deux. Did make me want to experience ego-death.
Superforecasting 9780804136693 Tetlock & Gardner 1x
A very interesting way of thinking about prediction; a very useful read.
A Short History of Nearly Everything 9780767908184 Bryson 1x
A great stroll through many concepts presented in a breezy way. The one with pictures makes it even better.
Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down 9780306812835 Gordon 1x
Fantastic book on engineering's core ideas.
The Zombie Survival Guide 9781400049622 Brooks Many
A teenage favourite of mine.
101 Things I Learned in Architecture School 9780262062664 Frederick 1x
A fun, light book to read to get an overview on some design topics.
Why Information Grows 9780465096848 Hidalgo 1x
This book occupies an empty space in my head honestly, not sure what to make of it.
Universal Principles of Art 9781631590306 Parks 1x
Says it on the cover. I tried absorbing as much as I could from this book.
Universal Principles of Design N/A Lidwell & Holden & Butler 1x
Same as above.