The White War: Life and Death on the Italian Front 9780571223336 Thompson
No Looks harrowing and I also never heard of that front for WWI.
Sumerian Proverbs N/A Gordon, Edmund
No Some beginning of civilization wisdom didn't hurt anyone.
The Texas-Israeli War: 1999 0-345277368 Saunders & Waldrop
No Tsk tsk, another war Israel?
The Question of Nationalities and Social Democracy N/A Otto Bauer
No The so far elusive answer in this book? It's more likely than you think!
Dimesion of Miracles N/A Sheckley
No Classic science-fiction is always cool, and the cover of this one is pretty rad too.
The Deep 9781476717746 Cutter
No Stephen King seemed to like it quite a bit so I wanted to be spooked too.
Nonhuman Witnessing 9781478025641 Richardson
No Don't remember why I wanted to read this but I do.
Borderlines: The Edges of US Capitalism... 9781789045062 Melo
No Immigration is a big topic and Marxist perspectives on it have been on my mind for a long while now.
The Conspiracy Against the Human Race 9780982429693 Ligotti
No In honor of Rust Cohle
The Organization Man 9780671543303 Whyte
No Some 50's capitalist propaganda tome?
Storm of Steel 9780142437902 Jünger
No WW1 memoir extraordinaire
The Power of Ritual in Prehistory N/A Hayden
No Anthropology book
Eyes of the Heart 9781567511871 Aristide
No Apparently great book on Haiti.
Stoner 9781590171998 Williams
No We all know the prose is the best of the 21st century. I need to really read this.
Fear and Trembling N/A Kierkegaard
No Philosophy; food for the mind.
Barbarians At the Gate 9780061655555 Burrough & Helyar
No 1980s Wall Street, seems interesting.
Singapore The Air-Conditioned Nation 9789813065468 George
No An absolutely random book that I just have to read, a whole book about Singapore. Good luck finding it though.
Dark Pools 9780307887184 Patterson
No Machine traders and whatnot
Catch-22 9780808514022 Heller
No You've heard the word now read the book!
The Systems View of Life 9781107011366 Capra & Luisi
No I want to know what systemic thinking is, I want to understand this concept.
The King of Oil 9780312570743 Ammann
No Oil trading life of Mr. Bigshot over here.
Bean Counters 9781786490285 Brooks
No Shady accounting stuff
Black Edge 9780812995800 Kolhatkar
No The cover puts me off as one of those pop-nonfiction things
The Anarchy 9781635573954 Dalrymple
No I need to know more about the EIC.
A Calculus of Power 9781844676200 Gowan
No Forgot why I wanted to read this book.
Wyrd 9781916344419 Nevill
No A very strange looking horror book, piqued my interest
Fry the Brain 9780971413399 West
No Urban sniping? Guerilla warfare? Say no more.
Cat's Cradle N/A Vonnegut
No Heard of many times but never read.
Stalin 9780674022584 Service
No A biography about any Soviet leader is a biography I will read.
Dialect and Nationalism in China 9781108478281 Tam
No Language is a weakness of mind, I should read this.
Endurance 9780786706211 Lansing
No Anything about the arctic I will read.
Citizens 9780679726104 Schama
No I may have this book, but never read it.
The East India Company 9780582073852 N/A
No It's quite difficult for me to find a book on the history of the EIC.
Red Roulette 9781982156176 Shum
No Sounds interesting, although I'm aware of the commentary of this type of individual.
You Are Not American 9780807051429 Frost
No Citizenship stripping is something I'm keenly interested in, especially considering the harsh times we're heading into.
Mechanically Inclined 9781571104120 Anderson
No Grammar book but interesting!
King Leopold's Ghost 9780618001903 Hochschild
No Very interested to read about Leopold and his atrocities.
Excession 9780553575378 Banks
No Heard about this one many years ago but never got around to reading it.
Solo Viola: A Post-Exotic Novel 9781452965604 Volodine
No I have no idea what to expect from this book but it seems unique.
Entangled Life 9780525510314 Sheldrake
No Fungi information is abound here.
Pearl Buck in China N/A Buck
No A memoir perhaps?
How to Take Smart Notes 9781542866507 Ahrens
No Maybe a way for me to organise the information in my life better.
The Pursuit of Victory 9780465037643 Nelson
No I NEED to read this. God damn I love history books.
The Design of Everyday Things 9780465067107 Norman
No A very important design book.
Lee Kuan Yew 9780262019125 Lee & Allison & Blackwill & Wyne
No Founder of modern-day Singapore, always interested in reading about him.
The Discourses of Epictetus N/A Epictetus
No Don't know much about this except it relates to Stoicism.
Troubles 9781590170182 Farrell
No Love Ireland, me.
Hard Times N/A Dickens
No Classic I need to read.
Life on the Edge 9780307986818 McFadden & Al-Khalili
No Quantum biology?! I mean doesn't that sound incredible, I have zero idea what this could be about but I have to read it.
The Gene 9781476733500 Mukherjee
No Donated this book; need to read it though.
Modern Prometheus 9781107172166 Kozubek
No I don't mean to be rude but I don't even know if this book is real somehow. It just looks like a pamphlet.
Geology 9780131474918 Chernicoff
No I love geology and the environment ergo I'd love this book.
The Rape of Nanking 9780140277449 Chang
No Not sure what happened to my copy but as with many history books I'm also interested in learning more.
The Conquest of Bread N/A Kropotkin
No Must read.
The Cultural Revolution 9781632864215 Dikötter
No Was in Hong Kong when I heard this was a pretty good book more or less (they better not be lying about that!).
Energy in Nature and Society 9780262693561 Smil
No Simply sounds interesting to read.
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life 9780394703176 Hofstadter
No Think I may have this book.
Ghost Wars 9780143034667 Coll
No The United State's not-so-secret history of their involvment in Afghanistan.
First They Killed My Father 9780060856267 Ung
No Cambodian genocide tale. I believe there's a movie about it too that I've watched.
Thinking Architecture 9783764374976 Zumthor
No Understanding more about designing buildings? Sign me up.
The Paranoid Style in American Politics 9780674654617 Hofstadter
No Paranoia is life in the US.
Thinking with Type 9781568984483 Lupton
No I may have read some of this book, anything with typography is interesting to me though.
From Third World to First 9780060197766 Yew
No Anything by him I'd like to read.
Diplomacy 9780671510992 Kissinger
No Is this really worth reading? Signs are pointing to no.
The World of Yesterday 9780803252240 Zweig
No A memoir of a guy living between 1881 & 1942.
A Theory of Imperialism 9780231179799 Patnaik & Patnaik
No Is this worth reading?
The Chinese Typewriter: A History 9780262036368 Mullaney
No The complexity of making a typewriter that can handle the Chinese langauge amazes me like no other.
Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula 9780691118222 Nahin
No A math book presumably about Euler.
Mindhunter 9780671528904 Douglas
No I enjoyed the show.
Profit Over People 9781888363821 Chomsky
No Anything by Chomsky is worth reading at least once.
Word By Word 9781101870945 Stamper
No A random book about dictionaries.
Akira N/A Otomo
No One of my favourite movies, I have to read the source material.
Coup D'etat 9780674175471 Luttwak
No Anything with subversions of power I seem to like.
Moral Mazes 9780195060805 Jackall
No A maybe outdated book but probably an interesting read even if it's only for historical purposes.
The Manchurian Candidate 9780743482974 Condon
No I want to read the book then watch the movie (again).
Ubik 9788498000832 Dick
No I believe I may have read one chapter from this book, not sure. Need to read though.
Destined for War N/A Allison
No Do I really want this book? Seems pop-non-fiction-y.
Language and Problems of Knowledge 9780262530705 Chomsky
Yes Really mind-bending book that I will have to spend a few weeks on to actually understand.
On War 9780691018546 Carl Von Clausewitz
Yes Legendary book on strategy, really need to get around to reading this.
Das Kapital N/A Marx
Yes Read parts but never the whole thing.
The Republic N/A Plato
Yes Read parts of it but never all the way through.
Wealth of Nations N/A Smith
Yes Read already but not the entire thing
The Prince N/A Machiavelli
Yes Never read this all the way through.
The Social Contract & Discourses N/A Rousseau
Yes Read some already, need to finish
Discipline and Punish N/A Foucault
Yes Or as I keep calling it Disicpline and Punishment, read much of this book but never finished it.
Three Kingdoms N/A N/A
Yes Classic Chinese literature, what more is there to say?
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich 9780671728687 Shirer
Yes Read about 300 pages of this 1k page tome. Incredible book that I must finish.
History of the Russian Revolution 9781931859455 Trotsky
Yes From someone intimately familiar.
Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism 9781781686201 Horvat & Stiks
Yes Balkan states stuff
Minima Moralia 9781844670512 Adorno
Yes Late capitalism and life reflections I need to read.
Democracy Against Capitalism 9780521476829 Wood
Yes Anything by her should be read.
London in the 19th Century 9780712600309 White
Yes History books are a weakspot of mine.
A Great and Monstrous Thing 9780674073173 White
Yes See above.
Godel, Escher, Bach 9780465026562 Hofstadter
Yes The famous GEB book, thick as shit and hard as hell. I pretended to read at least half this book a decade ago but I never really absorbed it.
The Brothers Karamazov 9780374528379 Dostoevsky
Yes Read quite a bit of this but never finished it.
How Not to be Wrong 9781594205224 Ellenberg
Yes I've tried reading this book but to no avail yet, one day when I'm really in the mood.
Strategy 9780199325153 Freedman
Yes Donated this book a while ago, I'll find a way to borrow it, never got around to reading it.
1Q84 9780307593313 Murakami
Yes Donated this one too, tried reading it but the prose wasn't exactly my thing at that time. I'll try reading again in the future.
NeuroTribes 9781583334676 Silberman
Yes Neurodiversity.
House of Leaves 9781417709045 Danielewski
Yes Read parts of this, bizarre in the best ways.
Thinking Fast and Slow 9780374275631 Kahneman
Yes It was just simply impossible for me to get through this book when I got it, one day I'm sure the info will be outdated and I'll finally decide to get through it.
War of the Flea 9781574885552 Taber
Yes I had this book before, may have donated it.
Superintelligence 9780199678112 Bostrom
Yes This sounds paranoid, but I've always had a bad feeling about this book. As if it was just ignorant enough to be dangerous in some way...but I never fully read it.
The Intelligent Investor 9780060555665 Graham
Yes Read smatterings of this book.
The Symbolic Species 9780393317541 Deacon
Yes Hard book, but should get around to reading it.
Foundation 9780553803716 Asimov
Yes May have read this actually
The Shock Doctrine 9780805079838 Klein
Yes Read some of this but my life was oversaturated with the same content as the book, couldn't get through it at the time.
How to Prove It N/A Velleman
Yes I may be extremely bad at proofs but that isn't going to stop me.
General Chemistry N/A Pauling
Programming Pearls N/A Bentley
SICP N/A Abelson & Sussman & Sussman
Concepts of Modern Mathematics N/A Stewart
Calculus Made Easy N/A Thompson & Gardner